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Add a Webcam to Klipper on The Sovol SV07 Plus


  1. Turn on your Sovol SV07-Plus with Klipper.
  2. Maker sure the printer is connected to the network
  3. Get your printer IP address

Note: if you are new to using a terminal/command prompt. The $: in the code examples should not be copied. It’s just referencing the current directory.

  1. SSH into the Printer.
# User: mks
# Pass: makerbase

$: ssh mks@

If you get a response/output asking to confirm,  type: yes 

  1. When prompted type in your password. If you are on Windows using a GUI based tool, you’ll likely supply the password before attempting to connect.
terminal window logged into klipper
ssh login
  1. Change into the  Klipper  directory
$: cd klipper
terminal or cmd line. listing all files in directory using 'ls' command. Then using the 'cd' command to change into the 'klipper' directory
  1. Clone/download the ustreamer repo from using the following command:
$: git clone --depth=1
cloning 'u streamer' git repo from
  1. Change into the  ustreamer  directory.
$: cd ustreamer
change into u streamer directory in terminal / command line
  1. Type  make  and press enter key to execute the process.
$: make
running the 'make' command in the terminal
  1. Connect your USB camera. Must be type:  USB-A . You can disconnect from your SSH connection. This is no longer needed.
  2. Open your browser and go to your printer’s IP address. In this scenario, Mainsail is loaded.
  3. In the top-right of the Mainsail Web Application locate the settings gear icons.
Mainsail Web Application Dashboard
  1. In the pop-up window. Scroll-down through the left-side navigation and select WEBCAMS and then click on ADD WEBCAM
Mainsail Web App Select WEBCAMS
  1. After clicking ADD WEBCAM, the Create Webcam window will appear. Provide a Name for the webcam.
Mainsail Web App Name Webcam
  1. Now under the Service drop-down select: MJPEG-Streamer.

Do not confuse this with the (experimental) option.

Mainsail Web App New Camera select MJPEG-Streamer
  1. You will see a white screen appear. Nothing will show up until restart the printer.
  2. Click the SAVE WEBCAM text.
Mainsail Web App Save New Camera Settings
  1. Close out of the Interface Settings.
  2. Back in the top-right of the  Mainsail  web application. Click on the Power Button then under the drop-down under Host Control select:  Reboot 
Reboot the Mainsail Web Application
  1. Once you click the  Reboot  your web app screen will display a Connection failed notice while it restarts.
Mainsail Connection Failed waiting for server to reboot
  1. After the printer restarts, log back into  Mainsail  and you should see a live Webcam.
Mainsail Camera Displaying a Working Feed

Yay! Your done. Have some fun!